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Verklärte Nacht - Works for piano trio
Arnold Schönberg, Karl Weigl

Osiris Trio

Verklärte Nacht - Works for piano trio

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917261424
Catnr: CC 72614
Release date: 11 October 2013
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72614
Release date
11 October 2013

"A real asset this album!"

Opus Klassiek, 02-5-2014

About the album

In 2013 the Osiris Trio celebrate their 25th anniversary. Since 1988 the trio has toured five continents with enormous success, number of awards and several recordings.

With their new recording the Osiris Trio presents Schönberg’s “Verklärte Nacht” and a piano trio from the Austrian composer Karl Weigl. The pupil of Alexander Zemlinsky was well known and respected as a teacher and musical expert. His compositions remained in the romantic style of the 19th century but convince with brilliance and technical refinement.

Meesterwerk Verklärte Nacht uitgevoerd door prijswinnend trio
Dit album bevat een bewerking voor pianotrio van Verklärte Nacht van Arnold Schönberg, geschreven door Eduard Steuermann. Deze mooie versie wordt zelden wordt opgenomen. Daarnaast bevat dit album een minder bekend pianotrio van Karl Weigl. De werken worden uitgevoerd door het Osiris Trio.

In 1899 componeerde Schönberg muziek bij meerdere gedichten van Richard Dehmel, waaronder Verklärte Nacht, dat binnen drie weken werd geschreven. De muziek verklankt Dehmels gedicht op een meesterlijke en expressieve manier. De muziek volgt de tekst alsof het een opera van Wagner is, inclusief ‘leitmotiven’ en transformaties. De thema’s sluiten soms zo goed aan bij de regels van het gedicht, dat het werk voor strijksextet op een lied of aria begint te lijken.

De Oostenrijkse componist Karl Weigl was bekend als leraar en expert op het gebied van muziek. Hij schreef zijn composities in een laatromantische stijl. Zijn enige pianotrio stamt uit de periode 1938-1939, een hectische periode in zijn leven. Het is een grootschalig en ronduit symfonisch werk, dat desondanks compact is. Weigl maakt gebruikt van klassieke vormen, zoals de sonatevorm en de A-B-A vorm, om een compact web van thematische relaties te creëren.

Het Osiris Trio werd opgericht in 1988. Sindsdien treedt het trio op in vijf continenten. Het trio heeft inmiddels vele prijzen gewonnenn en kreeg bovendien tweemaal de eer om Hare Majesteit de Koningin te begeleiden bij een staatsbezoek.

Klaviertrios von Arnold Schönberg und Karl Weigl - spätromantische und technisch herausragend.

2013 feiert das Osiris Trio seinen 25. Geburtstag. Seit 1988 konzertiert das Trio weltweit mit ausserordentlichem Erfolg, zahlreichen Auszeichungen und mehreren Einspielungen.

Auf seiner neuesten Aufnahme präsentiert das Osiris Trio Schönbergs “Verklärte Nacht” sowie ein Klaviertrio des österreichischen Komponisten Karl Weigl. Der Schüler von Alexander Zemlinsky war bekannt und geachtet als Lehrer und Musikologe. Seine Kompositionen bleiben im romantischen Stil des 19. Jahrhunderts, überzeugen aber mit Brillanz und technischer Finesse.


Osiris Trio

The Osiris Trio was formed in 1988. Since then, the trio has toured five continents and was twice given the honour to accompany Her Majesty The Queen of The Netherlands on an official state visit abroad. Over the past 19 years, the group has won a number of Dutch awards, including the ‘Philip Morris Finest Selection’ award and the Annie Bosboom Prijs. Since 2001 the Dutch Ministry of Culture supports the Osiris Trio. The trio’s discography encompasses two centuries of repertoire for piano trio but also includes song cycles and the highly regarded recording of Messiaens Quatuor “pour la fin du temps” that earned the highest rating (10 out of 10) in the Dutch music magazine Luister. The Dutch newspaper Het...
The Osiris Trio was formed in 1988. Since then, the trio has toured five continents and was twice given the honour to accompany Her Majesty The Queen of The Netherlands on an official state visit abroad. Over the past 19 years, the group has won a number of Dutch awards, including the ‘Philip Morris Finest Selection’ award and the Annie Bosboom Prijs.
Since 2001 the Dutch Ministry of Culture supports the Osiris Trio. The trio’s discography encompasses two centuries of repertoire for piano trio but also includes song cycles and the highly regarded recording of Messiaens Quatuor “pour la fin du temps” that earned the highest rating (10 out of 10) in the Dutch music magazine Luister. The Dutch newspaper Het Parool concluded its review of a CD with recently written Dutch piano trios by stating “premium international quality.” Diversity typifies the trio’s repertoire, which ranges from Haydn’s oeuvre for piano trio to works by contemporary composers. The production of Klas Torstenssons’s “In großer Sehnsucht” even brought the trio on stage in a theatrical setting. The Dutch Society of Concert hall and Theatre Managers has nominated the Osiris Trio in the category “most impressive performances in chamber music”. Ellen Corver, Peter Brunt and Larissa Groeneveld hold teaching positions at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. Recent tours were made to the United States, Hawai, Indonesia, Sweden, France, Ireland and Turkey.
In 2013 the Osiris Trio will celebrate its 25th anniversary; there will be two world premières of works by Klaas de Vries and Oene van Geel, especially written for this happy occasion.



Arnold Schönberg

Arnold Schoenberg was one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, but perhaps also one of the least listened to. Strikingly, Schoenberg was self-educated, even though his music is imbedded in complex music theory. It was Schoenberg who definitely departed from tonality and he developed the twelve tone technique. In this composition style, one has to use every twelve tones of the scale, before one can be repeated. The struggle to adhere to this dogma is clearly audible: his music is tense, hectic and particularly acute - and therefore at times not that accesible to occasional listeners.  Nevertheless, his music and his liberation of tonality had an enormous impact on all composers that came after him. Together with the...

Arnold Schoenberg was one of the most influential composers of the 20th century, but perhaps also one of the least listened to. Strikingly, Schoenberg was self-educated, even though his music is imbedded in complex music theory. It was Schoenberg who definitely departed from tonality and he developed the twelve tone technique. In this composition style, one has to use every twelve tones of the scale, before one can be repeated. The struggle to adhere to this dogma is clearly audible: his music is tense, hectic and particularly acute - and therefore at times not that accesible to occasional listeners.

Nevertheless, his music and his liberation of tonality had an enormous impact on all composers that came after him. Together with the music of his students Alban Berg and Anton Webern, his style is often referred to as the Second Viennese School, parallel to the First Viennese School of Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven, who, in a similar vein, changed the history of music for good.

His most performed works are his string sextet Verklärte Nacht, his five Orchestra pieces op. 16, and his opera Moses und Aron. The development of Schoenberg's music can be heard in his Five String Quartets in particular.



A real asset this album!
Opus Klassiek, 02-5-2014

no quote 
Gramophone, 01-3-2014

Fono Forum, 01-3-2014

Luister 10: "The notes balance attractively between energetic and stilled"
Luister, 03-2-2014

The Osiris Trio, [...], put whit this interpretation bright interpretation  two beautiful works  down from the beginning of the last century
Mania, 08-11-2013

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